When reality is more pleasant than TV

I’m still waking up, but I really, REALLY don’t feel like working on version 3 of some copy for this lame German-soldier-and-Jewess-fall-in-love movie that takes place during Hitler’s invasion of Poland, ugh. So here we are…

Charm School
Charm School, Charm School, Charm School. Come on. In the most contrived episode yet, Sharon Osbourne brings in a fake Duchess to test the ladies’ skills in tea drinking, soup eating and saying hello. One of few bright spots is that Megan is gone, and I gotta say, I have taken a shine to Brandi M. She appears to actually want to learn about etiquette and if she’s being disingenuous and is just a good actress, then kudos to her for that regardless. I didn’t see the first Rock of Love so I don’t know if she was horrid on that show or what, but it does seem like her background is probably on the lower end of the middle class, so I feel a kinship with her (although I could be completely wrong about this, can’t even find any info about her online).

I’m going to digress for a moment and tell you a longwinded story about who reminds me of Brandi M. Years ago, I wrote this arts feature story on this Bay Area theater group/tour thing called Popcorn Anti-Theater. The idea is that you meet them at a bus and don’t know where you’re going, and they whisk you off to some weirdo performance somewhere in the Bay Area. (I guess they don’t do the bus thing anymore. Pity.) So when I went, they took us to Half Moon Bay. I don’t really remember the bus and have an extremely vague recollection of the performance we saw, which I think was in a (cold) parking lot (at night) and involved some gothy, heavily made-up fat guy, but what I do remember well is the roadhouse-style shitty little bar they took us to after the “theater.”

It was the kind of place that seems really quaint after years and years in San Francisco; when you live in a major metropolitan area where there is constant competition to create the most trendy, nouveau business establishments, restaurants that serve complimentary iceberg-lettuce salads before entrees and bars with bright lights and wood paneling on the walls seem kind of endearing. I guess I didn’t get out of San Francisco all that much when I lived there so I was really fascinated by the toothless yokels, the blaring sports game on the TV and just the good ol’ All-American air of decay about the place.

But in such an atmosphere, rulers still emerge. The clear queen of this krap bar was this incredibly drunk, young and pretty little thing who I think was named Robin. I think she wanted this giant ragtag assortment of San Francisco weirdos to know she was in charge, so she drunkenly slurred and shouted at us, at one point standing atop a bar stool to put us in our place. Her poor boyfriend was trying to pluck her off and set her back down, but, wobbly as she was, she was determined to teeter above us, alternately toasting the newcomers congenially and menacing that we get the hell out of her bar.

That’s Brandi M. to me: Some town’s Robin. I can picture Brandi bartending at some shithole and all the old men leering at her but only when she’s not looking because they know she won’t take any of their shit. She gets too drunk sometimes and flirts but her favors are reserved for only the very cutest underemployed, alcoholic sometime construction worker in her town.

So that’s why I want Brandi M. to win. Or this is why I’m crazy, take what you will from this blog-diggity tangent.

Pick-Up Douche
As usual, I’m not writing about much that I thought I would, but I do want to say that I love these nerds. They are so sweet and supportive to each other that I want to pinch their nerdy little cheeks.

And hats off to Rian; Dave and I totally thought his days were severely numbered but he got a phone number and a kiss on the cheek in last week’s episode and well, he sucked this week, but he’s hanging on. It’s funny because you can see that Mystery has a huge hard-on for Greg, the cute real estate one, because Greg is better looking than the other guys on the show and therefore can make Mystery look really good if Greg can ever get over his crushing shyness and awkwardness and pick up some hot chicks. But Greg has stubbornly stuck to his snoozeathon weather opener, which always makes Mystery and the Wingz bounce around in their chairs with frustration as they watch from their remote spy area. He could be next, however reluctant Mystery is about letting him go.

The meanest bitches in reality tv
When the first episode of Scream Queens — a show in which a bunch of actress hopefuls compete for the questionably grand prize of the lead role in Saw VI — reared its ugly head, Dave said that surprisingly (given our love of reality tv and horror movies) he isn’t the slightest bit interested in this show at all. I agreed and tried to puzzle out why. I said, maybe it’s because the appeal of horror movies are about the lead-up to the murders, picturing yourself in the situation and feeling the fear and creepiness of the scene and imagining what you’d do in the victim’s place. Once the girl is screaming, who cares, that’s the least interesting part.

But clumsy philosophizing aside, there are many other contributing factors in why this show is lame:

1) James Gunn. I don’t have a big problem with James Gunn generally, but as the big expert on horror, really? Feh.

2) It’s also hosted by that chick who evidently was in Saw, what 1? I don’t even remember her, but I find her monotone deeply boring.

3) The prize, which I’ve already mentioned. Saw VI? Why the fuck is there a Saw VI? I wasn’t even particularly impressed with the first one, honestly. The script seemed amateurish in spots and I found the ending extremely hard to swallow. Interesting idea, but that Saw became this powerhouse mill churning out sequels really surprised me. What do I know, evidently…

4) I saw a bit of one challenge where the hopeful bitches met with a casting director who told one ridiculously pretty chick that she has the “typical horror look,” which made me gag. Since when?? Who decided that chicks in horror movies had to look like models on their way to a fucking swing dance? I thought they were supposed to be girls next door, girls we could identify with. It’s disgusting.

And last but not least: 5) These are the meanest fucking twatty bitches I have ever seen on any reality show, for real. They make Megan look like …I don’t know, substitute someone nice, I can’t think. In one of the first exchanges I caught on this show, one girl sniped to several others that a girl not in the room is “ugly as fuck” and can’t act, blah blah blah. And then on another episode, the girls are all drunk and going back to their bitch lair in a limo and one girl defends her drunkenness by telling another that she had actually drank more but that because she weighs 50 pounds more, the alcohol doesn’t affect her as much.

So the other chick retorts, “Do you have any idea how ugly you are?” and I was like, whoa!! Then she adds: “…how Jewish you look?” WHOA!! Just, whoa. I can’t believe they let that exchange on TV. Sadly, I’m sure they were very excited to air it. Where are the lines on these reality shows? Are there any? I mean, a normal show would never have dialogue like that, would it? If I’m wrong about that, I think that’s pretty fucked up. If you won’t hear anyone say “nigger” on a regular tv show, I don’t think “ugly Jew” should fly either.

So that’s where the title of this blog came from. Not long after I watched these horrible horror bitches, Barack Obama was elected president. I can’t recall another time in my life where so many people I knew were proud to be Americans and hopeful about the future of this country. And it struck me that for once, real life was providing me with a positive and inspiring escape from the ugliness of TV, not the other way around.

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